Little Snowman

I have made this little snowman for the winter, if it ever comes. I used wool with no armature or filler. To add realism the carrot nose and coal eyes/buttons are made of clay and painted with acrylic paints. They have been secured to the snowman with glue. So that the snowman can stand, I have attached him to a birch base. The underside is protected with felt so it won't damage furniture. I have created realistic snow around the snowman. The artwork is 9cm tall, including the base.

OOAK needle felted snowman on stand, front view

 This little snowman is naive and bewildered in character. He needs a warm and safe place to call home. It will be alright for him because he will not melt, unlike the winter snow.

OOAK neelde felted snowman on stand, back view

Birch wood stand decorated with realistic snow

Little Snowman will be coming home with:
Certificate of authenticity from me (Dolls from Aileen)
Care instructions with information about how to look after Little Snowman
All in a gift box
Please note: my felted figures are not intended for children.

ooak needle felted snowman (with carrot nose, coal eyes and buttons) with human hand